Isabelle (2012-2013)

Even though my experiences with Ms. Jenks (now Mrs. Walker) happened around 8 years ago, I can still remember the importance of the class and the skills that were taught. Obviously the basic multiplication and division was helpful to learn for my future harder math classes, but the one that I remember the most was one of the projects that we did towards the end of the year which was a finance project. We had to create a budget and then all different finances would need to be added and taken care of such as cable, electricity, water etc. During this unit I learned how to budget and how to control my finances, so that in the future I can rely back on this unit and even though I was only 11 years old when I learned this and am now 19 I still remember the importance of this unit. I learned from Ms. Jenks as a teacher how to finance expenses and how to really be an adult in this world. I am now in college and the financial part really came in handy with the college bill and I was able to think back and work something out because of all the skills that I learned as a kid. Even though my experience happened many years ago, I will forever be grateful I was able to work with Ms. Jenks in 5th grade and be in her advisory, the skills she taught me will stick with me for a long time!

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Erika (2017-2020)


Peyton (2018-2020)